Feb 18, 2008


it has a subtitle: "flying like a bird!"

The people, Squidsoup, are London based a group of artists, musicians and interactive designers create works within interactive environment. They originally started by Anthony Rowe and James Lane, after meeting at Middlesex University in 1996. And now, they separate squidsoup as three different area, squidsoup.com, squidsoup.org and game. They are from various ranges of fields: photography, educator, sound artists, illustrator and digital media artists. Squidsoup.com is commercial site. What they doing in .com is creating sound, film, video, animation, photography, typography, graphic and web design. They focus on user experiences in working atmosphere by innovative and immersive interface within design process throughout interactive multimedia. In squidsoup.org, they experiment with arts. Their work is intuitive but, unexpectedly interesting. The works are invented combining sound, interactivity, and joining physical and virtual space to generate immersive experience. The most fascinating thing in their works is viewers are not a passive role anymore. The work give participants full active control of their interactive experiences. It provides a fertile space which is beyond the edge of experiments technically and creatively.


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