Mar 29, 2009


Holy crap!  Has anyone seen this?  Perhaps I just get excited when people start creating styles that haven't really ever met humans eyes before, but this is some really effective and emotional abstraction.  Highly recommended.  A must see even.  Make sure to watch it in the right context though.  Full screen, plenty of volume, little distraction.

Mar 17, 2009

Final Proposal Ideas/References

I'm working on continuing the city that I built for Maya I. Learning from what worked and what didn't last time I'm going to concentrate on a birds eye view of the city and reduce the number of close in shots. 

I started the project with my fascination with 'fractals' and their philosophy. Then I ran into the wonderful work of Michael Hansmeyer.His work deals with emergent/algorithmic/computational architecture. Some of his renderings from his portfolio :-

So, my final proposal is my old city filled with these procedurally generated buildings animated with particle systems for different times of the day and in different climatic conditions. My initial idea of growing out the city procedurally as an animation would also be feasible.

I used this free software called 'nodebox' in which I wrote a simple L-System kind of like the one used here. Then the resulting 2D image was exported as a path from Illustrator into Maya and I created buildings out of that. 

This time around I'm planning to use mel scripting within Maya to actually get the L-Systems, Parametric architecture algorithms done inside Maya so that its easier and faster to generate the buildings.